The definitions provided here are intended to work with OCaml; some require the -rectypes option (or #rectypes directive in the interpreter)
Imagine that we're trying to implement the factorial function in a programing language without recursion. We might start with what we know; that the factorial of zero is one. A first attempt might be:
let fact0 x = if x = 0 then 1 else 0
Well, this function works when x is zero. But it's wrong for every other argument. However, since we now have a factorial function that works for zero, we could try to use it to create one that works up to one:
let fact1 x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact0 (x-1)
And now that we have a factorial function that works up to one, we can make one that works up to two:
let fact2 x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact1 (x-1)
A pattern is emerging where the only varying part of the previous definitions is which factorial function to delegate the rest of the work to, so we can abstract this:
let generate_next_fact fact_rest x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact_rest (x-1)
So now fact0, fact1, and fact2 can be rewritten as:
let fact0 = generate_next_fact z
let fact1 = generate_next_fact fact0
let fact2 = generate_next_fact fact1
Or, in expanded form:
let fact0 = generate_next_fact z
let fact1 = generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z)
let fact2 = generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z))
Where z can be any function with the right type because it's only used when trying to compute the factorial of a number greater than the function can handle. This exposes the limitation of our factorial functions - the maximum value that we can compute the factorial of is hardcoded into the program. What we need is a way to dynamically generate factn for any n, the expansion of which looks like this:
generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact ...))
with at least n+1 total repetitions of generate_next_fact. This means that
the z we choose now matters - we want it to be able to expand into
generate_next_fact z
, so that as many repetitions of
generate_next_fact as we need can be created. If the value of n at runtime
is three, then we could have z 3
expand to:
generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z))) 3
Which will evaluate to 6:
generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z))) 3
if 3 = 0 then 1 else 3 * (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z)) 2)
3 * (if 2 = 0 then 1 else 2 * (generate_next_fact (generate_next_fact z) 1))
3 * (2 * (if 1 = 0 then 1 else 1 * (generate_next_fact z 0)))
3 * (2 * (1 * (if 0 = 0 then 1 else 0 * (z (-1)))))
3 * (2 * (1 * 1))
There may be many ways to define z, but it would be nice if we could create
it from generate_next_fact. So we're looking for a function, call it fix,
such that fix generate_next_fact
can be expanded to
generate_next_fact (fix generate_next_fact)
. To find such a
function, called a fixpoint combinator, we can either think really hard
about it or use a search engine; either way might result in the discovery of
the y combinator:
let fix f = (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x -> f (x x))
We can see that:
fix generate_next_fact
(fun x -> generate_next_fact (x x)) (fun x -> generate_next_fact (x x))
generate_next_fact ((fun x -> generate_next_fact (x x)) (fun x -> generate_next_fact (x x)))
So we get what we wanted. Except if we try running fix
in a language with eager evaluation we get an
infinite loop, likely ending with a stack overflow. This is because the
expansion from fix generate_next_fact
generate_next_fact (fix generate_next_fact)
occurs immediately,
then just keeps going. We can resolve this problem by modifying fix to delay
the expansion until explicitly forced. Since most programming languages
don't evaluate the body of a function until the function is applied to an
argument, we can implement this delay by adding an extra parameter to a
function in the definition of fix such that fix f = f (fun () ->
fix f)
let fix f = (fun x -> f (x x)) (fun x () -> f (x x))
And we also have to modify generate_next_fact to perform the explicit expansion:
let generate_next_fact fact_rest x = if x = 0 then 1 else x * fact_rest () (x-1)
Finally we have what we set out for:
let fact = fix generate_next_fact
What about mutually recursive functions? Although rare in practice, it would still be nice to figure out how to implement them without explicit recursion. Let's use the canonical even/odd. We know that zero is even and not odd:
let even0 x = if x = 0 then true else false
let odd0 x = if x = 0 then false else true
These are correct when x is zero. They are also correct about half the time otherwise, but this is coincidental. We can follow a similar sequence of steps that were taken for factorial to arrive at:
let generate_next_even odd_rest x = if x = 0 then true else odd_rest (x-1)
let generate_next_odd even_rest x = if x = 0 then false else even_rest (x-1)
And the functions that work up to three:
let even3 = generate_next_even (generate_next_odd (generate_next_even (generate_next_odd z)))
let odd3 = generate_next_odd (generate_next_even (generate_next_odd (generate_next_even z)))
The alternation of generate_next_even and generate_next_odd complicates the description of the fixpoint combinator we are looking for. Instead we can try generating the even and odd functions simultaneously as a pair:
let generate_next_even_odd even_odd_rest =
((fun x -> if x = 0 then true else snd even_odd_rest (x-1)),
(fun x -> if x = 0 then false else fst even_odd_rest (x-1)))
let even3_odd3 = generate_next_even_odd (generate_next_even_odd (generate_next_even_odd (generate_next_even_odd z)))
Now what we are looking for is a more familiar fix
generate_next_even_odd = generate_next_even_odd (fix
. We again have to make modifications so that
we can use our definition of fix that prevents immediate expansion:
let generate_next_even_odd even_odd_rest =
((fun x -> if x = 0 then true else snd (even_odd_rest ()) (x-1)),
(fun x -> if x = 0 then false else fst (even_odd_rest ()) (x-1)))
And now we can define the functions we set out for:
let even_odd = fix generate_next_even_odd
let even = fst even_odd
let odd = snd even_odd